
The Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) of the library provides the guiding principles for the use of Information Technology Resources (IT) in it. It is expected that the users of the library make a correct administration of these resources and act in a responsible manner. The proper use of IT resources allows the Institute to achieve a culture of openness, trust and integrity within our digital spaces.


Policy statement

The library’s IT resources must be used in accordance with applicable licenses and contracts, and in accordance with its intended use in support of the library’s mission. All users must comply with current laws, as well as school policies, when using the library’s IT resources. The following sections define the acceptable uses of the library’s IT resources.

Acceptable uses section

With the exception of incidental personal use, as defined below, the library’s IT resources should be used only to carry out legitimate uses of the Institute (eg, academic activities, academic instruction, research, learning).

Unacceptable uses section

The users of the IT resources of the library are prohibited the following actions:

All users are prohibited from using library’s IT resources in a manner that results in a violation of law or policy or that adversely affects the performance of the network service.

Examples of unacceptable use include, but are not limited to, the following:

This list is neither complete nor exhaustive. Provide examples of prohibited actions. Any user who has doubts about the acceptable use of the IT resources of the library should contact the corresponding department for more information and assistance.

Violations/sanctions section.

Violations of this policy may result in loss of our scholar system and network usage privileges, and/or disciplinary action (up to and including termination or expulsion) as outlined in applicable school policies.

If user suspects that they are a victim of a violation of this policy, then the violation may be reported directly to the administrator.

Consent or Acceptance form

If you read this AUP, it accepts your content and your order. Ignorance of this policy does not exempt compliance. You can read the full contents of this section in the school’s internal regulations. If you don’t accept this AUP you’re not authorized ti use this IT resources.